Profitabilitas Usaha Tani Bawang Putih pada Berbagai Tingkat Efisiensi di Kecamatan Sembalun
efisiensi, efficiency, profitabilitas, profitability, stochastic frontierAbstract
Achievement of efficiency is important in increasing production and farming profits. Efficiency shows the potential production and the ability to use inputs at minimum cost. The research aims to study the potential for increasing the profits of garlic farming in Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency, through efficiency. Data were collected using random and purposive sampling methods through direct observation and interviews with 80 farmers. The data was analyzed using the stochastic frontier production function of the Cobb-Douglas model and the dual cost function derived from it. The results showed that the technical, allocative, and economic efficiency values were 0.714; 0.690; and 0.493 respectively. Garlic farming has been technically efficient, but not allocatively and economically efficient, hence maximum profits has not been obtained. The average garlic production of 13,149 kg can generate profits worth IDR22,983,487 (profitability of 25%). The potential for increasing farming profits through achievement of efficiency is very large that it is worthy to pursue. The factors that significantly influenced the technical efficiency were EBI and farmers experience. Achievement of farm efficiency can be done through production optimization, namely by increasing labor, organic and inorganic fertilizers, and mulch, or cost minimization by reducing the use of seeds and pesticides.
Pencapaian efisiensi sangat penting dalam peningkatan produksi dan keuntungan usaha tani. Efisiensi menggambarkan produksi potensial, serta kemampuan untuk menggunakan input dengan biaya minimum. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi peningkatan keuntungan usaha tani bawang putih di Kecamatan Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, melalui pencapaian efisiensi. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode random dan purposive sampling melalui observasi langsung dan wawancara terhadap 80 orang petani. Data dianalisis menggunakan fungsi produksi stochastic frontier model cobb-douglas dan fungsi biaya dual yang diturunkan darinya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai efisiensi teknis, alokatif, dan ekonomi sebesar 0,714; 0,690; dan 0,493. Artinya usaha tani bawang putih di Kecamatan Sembalun telah efisien secara teknis namun belum efisien secara alokatif dan ekonomi sehingga keuntungan maksimum belum diperoleh. Rata-rata produksi bawang putih sebesar 13.149 kg dapat menghasilkan keuntungan senilai Rp22.983.487 (profitabilitas 25%). Potensi peningkatan keuntungan usaha tani melalui pencapaian efisiensi sangat besar sehingga relevan untuk diupayakan. Faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efisiensi teknis yaitu indeks perilaku kewirausahaan dan pengalaman. Pencapaian efisiensi usaha tani dapat dilakukan melalui optimasi produksi, yaitu dengan menambah tenaga kerja, pupuk organik dan anorganik, serta mulsa, atau meminimalkan biaya dengan mengurangi penggunaan bibit dan pestisida.
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